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Washington Tuna Classic

Tournament Rules

Rules Updated March 1st 2024: Each participant should take the time to read and understand the tournament’s format, entry & rules before the Captain’s meeting. Have questions?  Contact us.

Teams are competing to catch the five heaviest albacore tuna during tournament hours.

1 – Rules Acknowledgement

It is the sole responsibility of the participating captain, crew and angler(s) to obtain a copy, read, know, understand and abide by the tournament rules, including, but not limited to, any final instructions that may be announced during the Captains Meeting Email. Rules are subject to change. By entering the event all participants agree to accept the rules of the tournament and accept all decisions made by the Board of Directors (Board) of The Washington Tuna Classic as final.

2 – Captains Meeting

Captain’s meeting will be held at American Sunset RV Park on Friday 8/9/24 starting at 6pm in multipurpose building next to the park office. This is mandatory and is required to participate in the event. 

A Tournament Rules Judge will be designated and announced during the Captains meeting.

Printed Rules will be included in the Captain’s Bucket. Captain’s Buckets will be distributed in the meeting.

2 – Permits and Licensing

It is the sole responsibility of the captain and crew to obtain and possess all required licenses and or permits to fish in the tournament.

3 – Tournament Start

The official event starting time will be confirmed, and or changed during the Captain’s Meeting. The WTC Board reserves the right to change and or cancel the starting time and or ending time, if in its opinion, there is a possible threat of safety due to weather, ocean conditions or anything they deem too dangerous to have teams compete safely in the WTC Event.

All vessels participating in the tournament will be inspected Saturday morning ahead of tournament start. Time and location will be confirmed during the captains meeting. No tournament eligible fish may be stored in any holds prior to tournament start with the exception of live or dead bait fish. If team participated in Big Fish Friday or any pre fishing, arrangements will need to be made to remove fish from vessel prior to inspection. Any vessel that is found to have fish in holding during inspection will be disqualified.

4 – Tournament Communications

The official VHF frequency will be channel 73. It is recommended that all teams monitor the USCG, (on VHF ch16), frequency as well as any Event specific frequency that will assure the best means of safety from other sport and commercial vessels.

5 – Weather and Cancellation

The WTC Board reserves the right to change and or cancel the starting time and or ending time, if in its opinion, there is a possible threat of safety due to weather, ocean conditions or anything they deem too dangerous to have teams compete safely in the WTC Event.

WTC entry and side pot entries are non refundable.

6 – Equipment and Angling Rules

All teams shall be required to fish following WDFW regulations.

No team, during fishing hours, may be involved in the handing off or receiving of anything from another vessel whether that vessel is entered in the tournament or not. In the event of an emergency in which the personal safety of someone or property is at risk this rule does not apply and any action necessary can be taken to protect or preserve life or property.  Only legal methods of sport fishing are permitted which may include rods and reels.  No herring rigs, bow & arrow, jack poles or spears will be allowed. The use of spotter planes is not permitted.

7 – Fish Handling

Fish must be whole, but fully bled and no warmer than 50 degrees internal temp upon arrival to the boardwalk weigh-in area. The fish will be weighed to the two hundredths of a pound, (.02 .04 .06 etc.).  It is the sole responsibility of each team to provide one person to be with the fish for weigh-in purposes.

Any fish determined to not have been bled or iced properly at the boardwalk weigh-in area, will be disqualified from the official team weight, and no substitutions will be allowed. Any fish deemed to have been modified with anything foreign introduced, will lead to team disqualification and forfeiture of all prizes and or awards.  This also includes post event inspections done by our fish processor to ensure quality and attempts of any tampering.

Fish gaffing is allowed if gaffing is done from gill plate forward. Fish will not be accepted with gaff marks and or any mutilation below gill plate to tail. 

8 – Team & Crew

All anglers including the Captain must sign and return a Liability Waiver prior to participating in the event. 

No team is considered officially “registered” until their team entry fee has been collected by the WTC.

A team consists of four (4) anglers, but you may have six (6) anglers on the boat fishing. Veterans are exempt from this rule! You may have as many Veterans as you may safely transport in addition to your six angler team. Charter captains and crew along with non-fishing media members are also exempt from crew/angler count with advance WTC approval.

Each team must fly the WTC Tournament Flag so as to be visible from another boat or a land based check in station or check point, preferably on the starboard side of your vessel/boat.

Any team tournament vessel/boat or crew changes must be finalized with WTC Staff no later than the end of the Captains Meeting.

9 – Final Check In

All teams must be across the pre-determined finish line and must check in via the pre-assigned VHF frequency 73 at or before 6:00pm.

No team may check in unless they have crossed the finish line.  MMSI GPS transmissions may be required to confirm said location at time of check-in.

Any team that either does not check in or does not cross the finish line before 6:00pm will not qualify for the cash pots, but may still donate their fish to the WTC.

10 – Fish Check In

Each team weighing in fish must have the Team Captain or a Team Representative sign the official Boardwalk Weigh-In Scorecard. Failure to sign the official Boardwalk Weigh-in Scorecard will result in team disqualification. There are no exceptions.

Fish must be whole, but fully bled and no warmer than 50 degrees internal temp upon arrival to the boardwalk weigh-in area. The fish will be weighed to the two hundredths of a pound, (.02 .04 .06 etc.).  It is the sole responsibility of each team to provide one person to be with the fish for weigh-in purposes.

All weighed fish will become the property of the WTC, unless there is a provision in the rules to allow the retention of said fish. (Pelagic Pot Fish)

Any fish determined to not have been bled or iced properly at the boardwalk weigh-in area, will be disqualified from the official team weight, and no substitutions will be allowed. Any fish deemed to have been modified with anything foreign introduced, will lead to team disqualification and forfeiture of all prizes and or awards.  This also includes post event inspections done by our fish processor to insure quality and attempts of any tampering.

Mutilated fish will not be accepted, or weighed.

Any participant requesting a fish to be reweighed must do so at the time the fish in question is being weighed.

The final decision will be determined by the weigh master.

  • Mutilated fish will not be accepted or weighed.
  • Any participant requesting a fish to be reweighed must do so at the time the fish in question is being weighed. Decision will be determined by the weigh master.

11 – Tournament Prizes, Side Bets, and Payouts

15 Tournament Prizes, Side Bets, and Payouts

Starting in 2023, we now offer the option to enter the limited or unlimited tournament classes.

  1. Limited Class is restricted to manufacturers stated length of <26 feet. For example, a “252” deemed by the manufactured to be 25’2” is acceptable.
  2. Limited Class Teams can also enter the Unlimited Class.
  3. Unlimited Class Teams may enter the Limited Class if the stated manufacturer boat length is <26’.

Cash Rewards are based on the following:

Unlimited Class:

Heaviest 5 fish $10,000

2nd Heaviest 5 fish $5000

3rd Heaviest 5 fish $2500

Limited Class:

Heaviest 5 fish $1500

2nd Heaviest 5 fish $1000

3rd Heaviest 5 fish $750

Main Pot Tie Breaker:  If there is a tie weight for any of the main pots, the following rules shall be applied to determine the winner of the tie. The largest fish weighed on the teams with a tie will be the winning team. If there is a tie with the first heaviest fish, the tie breaker will then move to the second heaviest and so on until the tie is broken. If there is a tie with all five entered fish a coin flip will be done with the captain having the lowest team number choosing the call or allowing it to be deferred to the other captain.

Side bets are the following (open to all teams entered in either the Unlimited or Limited Categories):

Double Down Jackpot  (entry $300 per team) 50% of the pot total will be paid out to those who elect to participate in this pot. If there is a tie, the main pot tie-breaker rule will be applied. Winner of the Double Down Jackpot will go to the team that enter the heaviest 5 fish.

Largest Fish Jackpot (entry $100 per team) 50% of the pot total will be paid out for the heaviest fish, that will also include the below described pelagic fish, not just albacore. If entered in the Largest Fish Jackpot and your entry in this pot is a pelagic, you may retain said fish after a thorough physical inspection by WTC volunteers.

In case of a tie in the Largest Fish Jackpot, the tiebreaker will be the first fish weighed according to the official scorekeeper at the weigh in station.

Pelagic Jackpot (entry is $100 per team) 50% of the pot total will be paid out to the team weighing the heaviest Pelagic if entered in this pot.

Fish eligible for Pelagic prizes in the WTC are, Yellow Tail, Opah, Mahi Mahi/Dorado, Big Eye Tuna, Jack, Marlin, Swordfish, Blue fin or Yellow fin Tuna. Shark are not allowed.

If entered in the Pelagic Pot, any pelagic fish caught may be entered as part of your catch for the five fish weight pot purpose, but you may retain the fish once weighed if desired.

Any pelagic fish weighed for tournament purposes will be subject to inspection and possible cleaning by WTC Staff to insure quality control.

In case of a tie, the Largest Fish tie-breaker rule will be applied.

Most Fish Donated Jackpot (entry is $100 per team)  50% of the pot total will be paid to the Team that donates the most total fish to the event. In case of a tie, the Largest Fish tie-breaker rule will be applied. Only fish caught and turned in on Saturday will count in the Main Event Most Fish Pot, fish turned in during the Friday Big Fish Friday Pot will not count.

Pee Wee Jackpot (entry is $100 per team) 50% of the pot total will be paid out. Your Pee Wee entry does not count towards your five tournament fish unless you want it to. In case of a tie, the Largest Fish tie-breaker rule will be applied.

Big Fish Friday (entry is $100 per team) 50% of the pot total will be paid out to the Team that turns in the heaviest fish at Float 6 by the derby weigh station on the Friday before the Main Event. The side pot entry must be paid before pre-fishing on Friday either during your on-line registration or by 8pm Thursday evening. The winner will be announced during the main awards banquet Saturday evening. If there is a tie, the first heaviest fish turned in will be the winner. Fishing start time for Big Fish Friday is at the discretion of each team. The weigh in station will be open from 2-5 on Friday. All boats weighing fish should contact the weighmaster on VHF 73.

Prize payouts will be made via certified mail after W-9 is received by each winning team.

All winners will be required to fill out IRS Form W-9, request for taxpayer ID, if your prize exceeds a value of $600. You will be required to provide a photo ID at the time of turning in the W-9 to verify said information. A W-9 for a business can be used as well as long as a copy of the business license is provided at the same time the W-9 is turned over to the WTC.

12 – Polygraph Acceptance

One member from each of the top 10 teams must be available on Sunday morning for a mandatory polygraph. Failure to either take a polygraph and or the failure of the polygraph will disqualify the applicant and at the discretion of the WTC board reserve the right to disqualify the entire team. All prizes, prize money, including the entry fee, will be forfeited and the participant and or team will be refused entry to all future WTC events.

13 – Protests and Disputes

Any and all disputes, protests, claims both in writing and verbal arising out of, or in relation to any event associated with the WTC shall be decided by the Board and shall be final and binding.

By vote of the Board, rules may be changed any time as necessary and all decisions will be final.

Any protest must be submitted before 7:00pm on the day of the event.

14 – Waiver

All anglers including the Captain must sign and return a Liability Waiver prior to participating in the event.  

Please click on link, or copies will be included with the captains bucket.

15 – Ethics and Conduct

Each participant agrees to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity during all facets of the tournament including events prior to, and after the fishing portion. Any unethical or illegal conduct will result in disqualification from the event, and possibility of elimination from future events.

16 – Included with Team Entry

Free shaved ice, up to 800 pounds per team available starting at 10am Friday August 9th. Left over ice is free to participating teams.

Bait, announcements will be made closer to event if live bait vs frozen bait is available.

Captains Bucket, (qty 1) various items include vendor gifts, snacks, bottled water, sponsor brochures, etc. Team Shirts that have been purchased will be included.

Awards Banquet, following the event on Saturday August 10th, 2024. 

If the main fishing event is canceled due to weather, the banquet will still happen as will the raffles and prizes.

17 – Fishing Equipment and OWC Rules and Information

OWC Tournament Information:  The WTC team that is nominated to represent the WTC at next year’s OWC Tournament is responsible for paying their own entry, transportation, permits and other fees related to participating in the OWC Tournament.

WTC OWC Nomination Process: The winning team of the WTC has first right of refusal to represent and attend the next OWC Tournament. In case the winning team chooses to not exercise this option, the second place team shall be given the right to attend the OWC Tournament. If the second place team chooses to not attend the next OWC Tournament, the right shall then be given to the third place team. If the third place team chooses to not exercise this option, there shall be no WTC team representative at the next OWC Tournament.

If the first place team does not choose to fish the OWC, at least one member of the winning team must be included in any other team that does represent the WTC at the next OWC Tournament, (this is a OWC policy).

18 – Marina Reservations

It is up to the team registering to ensure marina space has been booked directly with the marina. Marina spaces will open April 1st 2024 for the summer. Please call directly at 360-533-9562 or online at Westport Marina — Port of Grays Harbor

19 – WTC 2024 Event Hoodies and Swag

Additional event t-shirts can be purchased for any team and family members desired. To insure your extra team and family members get the shirts they want, you should be sure to include your extra shirt orders in your team signup/registration.

20 – Sponsorship Opportunities

Please contact to find out more ways for your business to participate.

21 – Event Contacts

Tournament Director: Fly Navarro (561)310-9214
Veteran Liason: Neal Weatherhead (801)814-0777